I Spy with my Myo Eye...
I Spy with my Myo Eye...
Episode 80 ft. Dr. Kevin Boyd, DDS, M.Sc.
In today's episode, Brittny chats with the GOAT of pediatric airway dentistry. Dr. Kevin Boyd is a board certified Pediatric Dentist in Chicago who holds an M.Sc. degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics. He lectures
worldwide on the topics of Early Childhood Malocclusion (under age 72 months), pediatric sleep-breathing hygiene and Evolutionary Oral Medicine/Darwinian Dentistry. He is collaboratively exploring a hypothetical relationship between changed dietary practices since the Industrial Revolution and diminished human dentofacial development. Brittny and Dr. Boyd discuss early intervention, the appliances Dr. Boyd prefers, and how he addresses not only transverse growth but anterior-posterior growth as well. Dr. Boyd discusses the importance of myofunctional therapy and addresses his thought process behind knowing when he has expanded enough. It's all in the TONGUE!
Expanders Discussed:
Fixed Hyrax with Catwires
Biobloc Stage 1- no acrylic, tongue can rest in palate
Reverse Pull headgear not just on Class 3
Biobloc Stage 3 to bring mandible forward
Uses Bogue Index for primary dentition, gingival margin of 2nd deciduous molar to 2nd deciduous molar
"Free to Learn" Peter Gray
"Hunt, Gather, Parent" by Michaeleen Doucleff