I Spy with my Myo Eye...
I Spy with my Myo Eye...
Episode 87 ft. Angie A. Lehman, RDH, COM®
In today's episode, Brittny chats with the fabulous Angie Lehman, RDH, COM®. Angie is an IAOM Certified Orofacial Myologist (COM) who has been exclusively practicing Orofacial Myology since 2012 in York, Pennsylvania. She runs one of America’s most successful and well-known private practices, Oral Myofunctional Therapy of York. Angie is a highly sought-after educator for medical, dental and allied health professionals and she is passionate to encourage all health disciplines to work collaboratively and to better understand oral function and craniofacial development and to incorporate therapy into their specific areas of care. In today's episode, Angie and Brittny discuss the importance of thinking outside the box as a Myofunctional clinician and how we may be getting it wrong putting ALL the emphasis on the tongue alone!
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